Flip 4--Seth Lewelling School

5/19/2007 8:36 AM Saturday
Location: Seth Lewelling School, 5235 SE Logus, Milwaukie

Behind this school, I find flower beds, a pond, and a creek dedicated to a former teacher.

Trees grow between the buildings.

Drips from overflowing gutters artifacts from last night's rain.

In the distance I hear a motorcycle gunning its engine, but it's like from a far-off world.

Here is a sanctuary void of people but full of life.

The empty benches and the circle of tree stump seats in the courtyard, and the stone paths winding through the gardens, and the basketball court, all promise the return of children to learn, and fight, and cry, and grow and leave this place, but to remember the pond, the rhododendron, the cherry tree, where she had her first real kiss.


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